Let’s try this again…

If at first you don’t succeed, try again.

And…that’s all I’ve got for now.

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October Run-down

I can’t believe I’ve been absent from this blog for a month! October is gone, and before I know it, November will be also. How about a quick McCullah family update.
Daddy McCullah is working on his last college class before he graduates with his AA. If all goes well, he will graduate in January. Yay!!
Mommy McCullah is getting ready to host the family for a BBQ celebrating a visit with her #2 brother, who is graduating next week from his training school in the Air Force. And she is also planning on having a jewelry party to sell her handmade jewelry, sometime in December.
Baby McCullah is getting so big! As a matter of fact, today someone asked if he was 2 1/2. Here’s what he’s been doing lately. While seated at the table for a meal (it doesn’t matter which one) he will push his chair away from the table, and then put his feet up on the table. He seems to get a kick out of seeing his toes where his hands usually are. No, he did not get this habit from either parent; and yes, we are trying to break him of it.
He has also found that it is more fun to eat by bringing his plate (or bowl) up to his mouth and eating from it that way. What a mess. Speaking of eating, I had left an apple on the kitchen island. He found it and decided to start eating it. Sensing that a mess was in the near future I set him in his chair to watch a video until he was done munching on the apple. He at the whole thing, but did stop short of eating the core. Smart boy.
He as also been doing really well with "Room Time". If I need to get something done around the house and would rather not be distracted as he makes three messes for every one that I am cleaning up, I put him in his room with the baby gate up. He will them occupy himself for 30 to 45 minutes. I am really glad that I have this option, however there is one drawback. He occupies himself by (of course) tearing his room apart. Anything that is not tied down or too heavy is fair game. Oh, well. At least the mess is localized. One such day I peeked in to see how he was doing…and I didn’t see him anywhere. I was totally bewildered for a few seconds, until I saw him over by his changing table. He had pulled the blankets off of the lower shelf and was laying on them and under them. He thought it was funny that I didn’t see him right away.
He also amazed us last month by putting on one of his sandals all by himself. He even got it on the correct foot.  I expected him to put the other one on as well, but he was happy as a lark walking around with only one shoe on. And then there was the time that I was sitting at the computer and suddenly smelled nail polish. It took me a second, but I did finally realize that I wasn’t using nail polish. I jumped up to find Jonah. He was sitting in my bedroom studiously painting his big toe. EEEK! I had to laugh. Fortunately the mess was confined to his toe and hand. So I did what any mother would do. I took pictures, and took away the nail polish. Being a mother is such an adventure!! I love it.
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Something I wrote two weeks ago…

The “I have no energy” conundrum.


"There are certain days, like today, that I happen to have less than half of the energy that I usually have. This is usually the result of a very long day, followed by a long night, a very late bedtime, and a very early wake-up call. Anyway, on these “lack of energy” days I usually grab a book or sit in front of the computer. I am doing something to keep myself awake so that I can keep an eye on my “I-got-plenty-of-sleep-and-have-tons-of-energy-to-prove-it” son. At this point I must admit that I am also more lax on these days. I allow certain things that I would normally not allow because I don’t really have the energy to deal with them appropriately. Now here’s the rub; in the end it can take more energy to ignore things than to deal with them right away.


Let me illustrate. Today, as I already pointed out, is one of those days. I was sitting at the computer, and had given Jonah had some cookies and crackers. He is usually really good with those, so no problem. He decided to dump his snacks into a saucepan that he brought out to the living room. Sort of okay. Then he got a spoon out of the silverware drawer. Not okay. I don’t let him help himself to silverware. But because of my lack of energy I just let it go. Well, he decided to use said spoon to pound some of his crackers and cookies into powder. Again I let it go. Big mistake. His next move was to dump said saucepan, full of said snacks, onto the floor in said living room! So much for saving my energy. I had to pick up all the cracker and cookie chunks, clean off the diaper bag that was covered with crumbs, and then vacuum the rest of the mess. I ended up expending more energy that if I would have just taken away the spoon, and kept his snacks in the kitchen." 

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Genius Moments

So…I’ve come to the realization that my son is not a genius, but he has his "genius" moments. Like tonight, Jonah got up on a chair next to daddy while daddy was doing the dishes. And then Jonah made a cup of coffee all by himself, start to finish. Wow. Or like the time that he found some piano music in a book I let him play with. He took the book and set it on the piano bench, opened the cover of the piano, looked down at the music, and began to "play" the piano. Once he had my full attention he wanted me to put the music up on the music stand for him. The only time he’s seen music at the piano is the few times I’ve let him sit at the piano at church. And then there was the time that he and I were cuddling on the couch before bed, watching "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe". All of the sudden he got off of the couch and went over to the three drawer dresser that we have by the front door. I heard him pulling on one of the drawers, so I went over to see what he was up to. He was trying to open the drawer that has all of the blankets in it. I helped him get it open, and then he pulled out a blanket and brought it back to the couch. And then he tried to get back on the couch next to me, while covering both of us with the blanket. Such a cutie!
Then there are his toddler moments. Like when I was urging him to eat up the last of his chicken nuggets (which happened to be swimming in his ketchup). So what did he do? Open his mouth really wide, bend down over his plate, stick his face in the ketchup, and eat up a bite of nugget. I added pictures of the aftermath in the photo album. And yesterday he was "helping" me sweep. He thought it was hilarious to attack my broom with his. He also got a kick out of spreading the dirt I was sweeping back over the area I just swept. Yah, such a boy! Oh, did I mention that he is a great dancer?
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My Baby Genius

Jonah has become mommy’s little helper. Sometimes he sees what I am doing and helps (which most of the time doesn’t result in making a mess or getting in the way) all by himself. In other words I don’t have to ask him to. He loves carrying things for me, putting things away or in the trash, and making coffee. "Wait, what?" (you may say.) Yes, my son makes coffeeHere is the story and video to prove it.
Last week I had decided to do some dishes and get them out of the way so I could make dinner. I wanted Jonah to stay where I could see him, so I pulled a chair up to the sink next to me. Now let me give you a little visual. If you stand at my sink you have countertop on either side. The basin of the sink on the right is empty (at least it is after I wash all the dishes), and in the other is a small dish rack. On the countertop on the left is a Senseo coffee maker and two other coffee machines that aren’t part of our story.
Jonah was standing, on his chair, to my left as I washed dishes. I kept talking to him, trying to keep him occupied so he didn’t un-do all the work I had just done. I washed one of his cups and put it in the dish rack. He looked at it, looked at the Senseo, picked up the cup, set it under the spout, and turned the machine on. Then he leaned over and peaked into the cup to see if there was anything in there yet. I wanted to see what his next move would be, so I just watched.
As soon as the water in the boiler was done boiling he pushed the on/off button again. Which, if you’re wondering, is not the way to make coffee with a Senseo. So I told him to turn it on again, and then showed him which button to push. He pushed it and the coffee started pouring into his little cup (there was an old pod already in the machine). Again he leaned forward to peak into his cup to see where the coffee was going. When it was done he picked up the cup, and that’s where I stepped in to save my clean dishes from being baptized with watery coffee. I let him empty his cup into the other sink and I began to wash the cup, for the second time. Then he grabbed another cup to try his experiment all over again. And that’s when I moved him to the dining room table and gave him some yogurt and fruit in a dish with a spoon. If all else fails, food keeps them stationary.
As I went back to washing dishes, my thoughts turned to my baby genius. I was shocked that he, at 19 months old, knew how to work that machine. There was no other explanation. He is a genius. We should get him doing commercials, maybe his own cooking show by the time he is two! As my thoughts and aspirations grew higher and bigger I turned and looked over my shoulder. My little genius had carefully scooped his yogurt and fruit out of the dish, and was now happily eating off of the table. Okay, so he’s not a genius. But he is darn smart and extremely cute. Anyway, after dinner that night I had him make a cup of coffee for daddy. Then we videoed him making coffee for mommy. So, without further ado, "The Barista Boy". (P.S. Senseo’s new slogan should be "It’s so easy to brew gourmet coffee, that even a darn smart and extremely cute toddler can do it.")
                  "The Barista Boy"


We got our Senseo for free + shipping/handling. (That equals "An awesome deal!!") Check out www.sharesenseo.com and you too may be eligible to receive a free machine. (And no, I am not getting paid to tell you this.)

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I just added a bunch of new pictures, so I thought that I would also add a note. Jonah just gets cuter and cuter and busier and busier every day. He says "yeath", "tU-tee", "awrigh", and "UMmmmmmm" (which he picked up from me. I didn’t even know I did that until he started doing it). He loves to dance to music. And he really likes to play outside. He can put his shoes away (in their correct place) all by himself. And he puts his dirty clothes in his hamper. He also wants to be part of whatever I’m doing. If I’m at the computer he wants to be on my lap typing, if I am cooking he wants to stick another pan on the stove, if I’m eating he wants a bite, and if I’m going to the bathroom he wants to put toilette paper in the toilette. Speaking of the bathroom, he still loves bath-time. And we’ve had to change the bath routine. It used to be that little naked baby would stand at the side of the bath while mommy got the water to the correct temperature. But as soon as that water turned on, little naked baby would pee all over mommy’s bathroom floor. So now the diapered tot stands next to the tub while mommy gets the water to the right temp, then he stands in the tub while mommy takes his diaper off, and then he pees in the bath. Needless to say I don’t plug the tub right away. Ahh, I digress. Anyway, life with a toddler is full of laughs. You gotta laugh or you’ll go crazy.
P.S. You know you’re a mommy when you finally sit down to eat your lunch, and you realize that your sandwich is cut into quarters.
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I’m back…hopefully

Wow, when you fall off of the blog "horse", it sure is hard to pick yourself up and get back on. Marty and I are working on getting a lot of different things organized, so hopefully that will help me in this area. Jonah was sick two weeks ago, and now I am getting over what he had. Teaching children to share is good, if only we could teach them not to share their germs.  This is the first time in my life that I had an ear infection. They are downright horrid! But I praise the Lord that it went away on it’s own. Jonah is such a big boy now! Not only in size (26 lbs., 33 3/4 in.) but also in development. He puts his hands together when we tell him we are going to pray for our food. But then while we are praying the hands find other things to do, and he starts talking. So we have some things to work on. He is understanding so much now. Just today when he was in the bathroom with me I told him to close the door. He looked at me with a smile, and walked over and closed the door. I was really suprised. But I shouldn’t be. He has been closing cupboard doors on command for a while. I just didn’t think he would understood that the bathroom door is a "door" too. Earlier today he was trying to get his sippy-cup of water off of the table. He moved the two chairs that were in the way, but still could not reach the cup. I came to help him, and after I gave him the cup, he pushed one of the chairs back up to the table. It just blew me away that he even thought to do that. Wow, time flies so fast!! My little baby is now a little boy!!
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For Our Viewers

As some of you know Robin and Jonah are out of town until tomorrow morning, so I thought that I would help Robin out since she works so hard for all of you by posting photos for you to see how Jonah is growing up.
Being married to Robin is not only a pleasure, but also an honor. I know that she would like to post photos more often, but I am confident that most of you know that caring for a wee one is a great deal of work and beyond that she takes excellent care of me. I cannot wait for Robin and Jonah to come home. 
Robin will be posting more photos as time allows, but for now enjoy some new photos of our son.
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Back into the swing of things.

Well, I am finally getting back on schedule. With the holidays, Jonah’s birthday, and our women’s ministry starting up again, things got crazy. My christmas decorations are down, and almost all put away. I am working on staying organized and on task with the house chores. Jonah is getting so big! He is walking all over the house, and his messes are a lot harder to keep up with, because he moves so fast. We are continuing to work on signing. He has added "please" and "all done" to his vocabulary, and is now signing "more, please". He also understands that "please" works to ask for things besides food and drink. And of course he understands a lot of verbal words and commands. I will ask him if he is hungry or thirsty, and if he is he will respond by getting excited. Or if he has a drawer or cupboard door open (and he shouldn’t be playing in there) I will tell him to close the drawer or door, and he will. He also likes to carry things around the house. When he gets ahold of one of his shirts he tries to put it on by putting it on his head and pulling on it. So cute! Speaking of clothing, Marty put Jonah’s hamper by the crib. Well, one day I went in to get Jonah up from his nap and he had pulled a bunch of clothes out of the hamper and into the crib. He is so much fun! And I enjoy being home with him so much. He is my little talker, always jabbering. And he is such a good shopping companion. Okay, enough talk. Now I need a ‘Jonah hug’!!!
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Real Quick, More Later

I added four photo albums. So you all can get a big dose of the cutest boy in the world! I had a lot of catching up to do. I’ll catch up with stories in a little bit.
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